July 15, 2011

we're here.

just a quick note to tell y'all that we are here in oregon.
when i step out onto our deck i feel like i'm camping.
we live on a mountainside with beautiful gardens and trees and frogs and owls...
i have lavender all along one side of my fence, a dogwood tree, aspens, a beautiful blue hydranga bush... and a gardener. 
it's lovely.
we feel SO blessed to be here.

we had a bunch of people from church help us unload our trucks last night.
the professor is off to school (he starts teaching on Monday) and I'm up to my ears in boxes.
my mother and father in law kept ellie, leah and lily in idaho until next week.
i have my three oldest, and the baby helping unpack.
our new home is beautiful and perfect and full of windows.

it's cold here.  i hardly have anything that i can wear- coming from 100* Texas weather.
I think it is going to be 70* all week.
there have been off and on rain showers.  it is SO pretty.
coming from texas i still feel SO BLESSED when it rains.
(There is a drought in Lubbock- we have been fasting and praying for rain.)
i know it rains a lot here.  i wonder if i will always love it as much as i do now? 

today my mission is to unpack.
to make my new house feel like my home.
soon i will get to know the area better.

i have LOTS of pictures-- but i'm still missing the cords to connect my camera to the computer.
so, pictures coming soon. 
i can't wait for you to see this place.
thinking of you... hope your summer is going well!!


  1. Welcome to Oregon! Happy unpacking and adjusting to your new home...! Lots of new memories to be made Jen...you wait and see!


  2. I am so glad that you are so happy there. It IS beautiful in Oregon. My parents live in western Washington and we've spent some time in the Portland area as well. The trees are beautiful, the cooler temps refreshing. And, yes, there is lots of rain. Your home sounds beautiful. We noticed the big vacant spot in the front of the chapel on Sunday and do miss you but wish you the very best where you are and know that you will do so much good there just as you did here.

  3. p.s. reading your description of where you live made me want to get out of here for a while!!!

  4. I'm glad you made it safe and I'm just a little jealous of the lush, green area you live in now. We miss your family here and are excited to read about your new adventures in Oregon!

  5. Can't wait to see the pics!!!!

  6. I'm a little - ok, a lot - jealous of beautiful scenery, flowers, cool temps, and RAIN. :) Miss you like crazy, but so happy for your beautiful new home. Can't wait to see pictures! So....when are you coming to visit? ;)


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