March 06, 2012

it's not about birth control.

i like this article on rush limbaugh and the contraception debate.

it's not about birth control.
just for your information.
we're not talking about the catholic's church opposition to $9 a month birth control pills.
we're talking about a government's inability to dictate morality or override CHOICE and religious freedom.

i have a friend who is a OB-GYN.
13 years ago he delivered my son Jakob.
he had just moved from Oregon to Utah and opened new offices down there.
because the Oregon government was FORCING him to perform abortions.
if they hadn't already-- they were getting there.
can you imagine?
doctor's forced to murder when they felt it was unethical.

just like birth control, abortions are more commonplace these days than in days past.
i understand that.
but, we're not talking about whether or not you think birth control or abortion is right for you.
we're talking about whether or not you think CHURCHES have the RIGHT to choose NOT to fund things they do not believe in.
where will you draw the line?
when we allow the government to dictate morality we give the government too much power.
what if they want to force birth control?
what if they want to say you HAVE to have a tubal after 2 children, 5 children, 19 children?
what if they say you can only have one child?
that seems far fetched, right?
hmmm... CHINA?!!!  communist CHINA.

a government that controls and decides the morality of the people is called a COMMUNIST government.
and, communism has great propaganda.
of course they are promoting things that sound ideal--
-- no one goes hungry, no one has to pay for medical care, we are all equal.
but these ideals are very different from the REALITY.
the reality is Communism doesn't work.
the reality is that part of what makes America great is the FREEDOM to CHOOSE.
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM is an essential part of our landscape.
we're not talking about birth control pills...
we're talking about FREEDOM.
last i checked no body wanted to turn America into yesterday's Soviet Union- did they?

loved this article about Mormon Mommy Blogs...
read it!  it's a good one.

i heard on talk radio today that some reporter was just awarded great honors for her book about food injustice.
she wants the government to control the distribution of produce throughout America.
it may SOUND like a good idea (not really)--
but, it is just one more place for the government to reach it's fingers into and yank away more Freedom.


  1. Right on! You said it so eloquently. I also read the article you put at the bottom about Mormon Mommy Blogs and felt very complimented. Though I don't have a blog that I attend to regularly (OK it's been almost a year since I've last signed in to the thing) I do feel that the article was a compliment to the positiveness and happy spin we "Mormon Mommies" do put on things. I don't ignore the issues at hand, I just choose to focus more of my time on positive uplifting things rather than the sad, bad, mad, and any other negative word that goes along with those rhyming words! Thanks for posting the link to it. Oh, and by the way, I cleaned my daughter's room yesterday. And by clean I mean bags and bags hauled out before she got home from school! It was AWESOME! And my little man didn't sit in front of the TV all morning either! Can't wait to get to my boys rooms. It will be so fun...when it's done! Thanks for the inspiration. :o)

  2. I totally agree with you about the government taking more and more of our freedoms away. These things can sound good in theory (like the equal distribution of produce) but in practicality, it's heading us for disaster.

    p.s. pta needs a president. you interested? :)


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