April 16, 2012


how's it going?
it's good here.
we bought a used treadmill this weekend and i ran/walked for 30 minutes this morning while i listened to inspirational talks.
it was lovely.
my goals for this week...
30 minutes exercise daily
30 minutes scripture study daily
{i have to limit my scripture study and prolong my exercise...}
i'm not loving meal time these days-- so i'm focusing my scripture study on FEEDING and NOURISHING.
i LOVE what i'm learning.
{it's a shame that my life has to be applied knowledge-- knowledge for the sake of knowledge is so much more romantic.}
i'm so grateful for the opportunity that i have every day to Feed His Lambs.
{do you like my pictures?  anna (10) and ellie (8) took about 200 pictures of sweet lily (3) as they posed her in different positions.  i love them all.}
life is good.

i picked up a Georgette Heyer book to read while i'm rocking eve to sleep.
do you know why i love that author?
because i am like her heroines.  kind hearted and non-conventional.
want a cute, jane austin type love story?  try Georgette Heyer.
you'll love her.  don't you love her books?


  1. I do love Georgette Heyer--but only b/c you & Melissa B. raved so much about her! Thanks for the introduction, ladies! :-)

  2. I've never read Heyer but when I went to put one of her books on hold, my library has 52 different books by her! Any suggestions on one to start with? And YEAH for you exercising (though I liked you just as well when you weren't).

  3. They are all good! 52 at your library !!!!!! You lucky dog. I have to buy mine on eBay. I' ve never read her mysteries- but I love her romances. ;)


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