November 22, 2012

Thankful 2012

Today I am thankful.

As I type Drew is playing the piano behind me.  My house is never quiet.  Jakob is on Todd's laptop at the kitchen table.  Anna and Ellie are coaxing Eve into a new outfit I bought her.  They are all squealing with delight, "Look at your pretty new shirt."  i love them.  Leah is naked.  She has decided she is going to take a bath every night and a shower every morning.  As I'm getting ready she always peaks out to show me her hair covered in shampoo.  "Don't i look like a funny boy?" she asks.  Lily is laying on the couch, sucking her thumb, with her silky blanket.  She takes a few minutes to warm up in the morning-- like her mother.  Todd is starting steal cut oats for breakfast. My mother and father in law are stirring in the basement- i have to stop writing to run down toilet paper and dove soap.

My home is clean and my list of things to get done before company comes is abandoned, only half completed.  The fact that i always try to squeeze too much into my day concerns me more than the fact that i didn't get my garage cleaned out before visitors arrived.  My list is always greater than my stomach.  ha!

Today I am grateful for family that is near and far.  I wish we could all be together and happy on this holiday.  I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  Because I am VERY grateful and because i love produce.

Last night we had missionaries over for dinner.  They called at the last minute and said they didn't have plans.  I laughed.  It was our traditional "Starvation Dinner".  We ate beans and rice and read stories about starving people around the world.  This year I used the book "Our Heritage" and read stories of Mormon pioneers.  I  could hardly read because my eyes brimmed with tears.  This life is a good life.  Trials make us stronger.

I hope today as we feast physically we remember to also feast spiritually.
God is good.  He loves us.  He is real and He wants us to feast on His word and be FILLED with joy.

Happy Thanksgiving!!
I'm thankful for you.


  1. "I'm thankful for the Moss family who treats our family like part of theirs." Croslands
    Thanks for inviting us over, we love you guys and are so lucky to know you!

  2. Just got your sweet package for Ty. Thank you! So cute & love the wooden toy. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)


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