June 04, 2008

Dirty Doorknobs...

My kids and I are in a race to see who can get our jammies on first... on my way into my bathroom (where my closet is) I grasped the doorknob and thought once again- I have got to clean this. Then I thought about it... how on earth do you get a dirty doorknob to a master bathroom? I envisioned a day when I may have set Leah in her highchair with a PB&J and went to get some alone time on the toilet with a book. Perhaps one chapter turned into two and my sweet four year old rescued Leah from her highchair- without washing her hands. I can hear my sweet Ellie talking in her baby voice to Leah, "Come on Wee-Ahhh yets go find our mommy," and Leah in her not so baby voice yelling, "MOM! MAAAAHHHHMMMM!" As she tries to open the door with her sticky fingers. There will be a day when my doorknobs are no longer sticky. I think I'll miss it. We just got back from music lessons- Anna has violin and Drew and Jakob have Piano. When I got to the studio I realized that Drew had on one sandal and one sneaker (He hurt one of his toes and said he had to have a sandal on it, I'm still not sure why he didn't choose two sandals). Jakob went to a friend's house last Thursday and played in the pool all day without sunscreen. He is fried and will not put on a shirt, but he's embarrassed. So, it took me 15 minutes to coax him out of the car. I always do Leah's hair before we leave, which means it is always sticking straight up in the air when we arrive and the little elastic bands I use are nowhere to be found. While we wait for lessons I read to Ellie for the 100th time, Barbie and Swan Lake. I think to myself, who takes the time to pose the dolls for these stupid pictures. Anna decides she will share her practicing treat with everyone except Ellie, because Ellie was whining. Which of course, makes Ellie whine more. And I think... I'm going to miss this. Life is hard, but so fun. I'm grateful for my dirty doorknob moments.

1 comment:

  1. you need to publish this stuff.
    We all need these reminders and yours are so well written!
    you are awesome, Jen!!


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