June 05, 2008

Swimming, swimming...

OK, so we live in Texas, and we have a nice pool. Outside it is 103*, you would think it would be a perfect day at the pool. NO!! There is this wind- the west wind- it shakes your house and makes waves in the water. The kids are in and out of the pool in shorter time than it took me to get them all ready to swim in the first place. And, my baby is a beast. She has NO FEAR!! She'll dive into the water, drown, and then jump in again. I have never believed in life vests (I think they give kids a false sense of safety in the water). Leah is my first child that wears one, seriously, she would die without it. Well, maybe not die- but I will tell you that I am one amazing pregnant mother to actually enter into that freezing cold water and supervise while the kids jump and splash all around me. I have to hold on to her without her knowing because she wants complete independence, until she gets flipped around and then "MOM! MAAAAHM!" Maybe my next baby will be shy and afraid. :)

1 comment:

  1. sure, sure...shy and afraid. I'd say odds look good for that one.


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