July 30, 2008

5 little monkeys...

5 little monkeys jumping on the bed...
(i'm surprised none fell off and broke their head...)

(this is our amazing split-second photography...)
so the kids thought they were hilarious...

they each put on 6 or 7 of Todd's shirts and had an enjoyable time posing as gangsters... saying,

"i'm a fat guy and i like my pie."

(after an unfortunate incident where leah felt that the kids were trying to strangle her inside one of daddy's shirts- she would have nothing to do with them- thus the naked baby in the middle of the bunch, with the somewhat hesitant expression...)

Todd and I actually couldn't help laughing and they did succeed in postponing bedtime by 30 minutes...

ahh... summer moments...

1 comment:

  1. Those are awesome pictures. Your camera is great.


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