July 29, 2008

Bakerella Moss...

i'm an OK cook... i'm fine with meat,veggies, rolls and pie... but honestly- i stink at cookies.

Todd and i have tried many, many recipes... people deliver perfect cookies to us, we get their recipe and YUCKO- flat, ugly cookies. even Martha Stewart's recipe for perfect chocolate chip cookies let us down...

My sister-in-law gave me a recipe the other day on the phone and they actually turned out good--- they were fluffy when i got them out of the oven, not flat!!
Since Rebekah lives in Italy, i guess these are--

(much like the Utah Chocolate Chip Cookies that her mother makes...)

1 c. butter (softened not melted)
1 c. brown sugar
1/3 c. white sugar
2 eggs
Beat the above ingredients till VERY fluffy... (it really does puff up... so fun!)
1tsp. vanilla
2 1/4c. flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda (optional)
1/2 tsp. salt
Beat A LOT... till super fluffy...
mix in chocolate chips and bake at 375* for 10 minutes...
She says she freezes her cookies right out of the oven and then pulls them out to eat whenever she wants one-- they stay fresh that way...

MMMMMM... so yummy!!!
who knows, maybe next month I'll be teaching Martha...
note- i realize that the cookies i made are nothing to brag about, but allow me a moment of glory, you have no idea what my cookies usually look like!!
Todd walked in from school and saw the cookies on the counter... "Jen" he said in a surprised voice, "Did YOU make these cookies?"


  1. Jen - I am not so good at cookies either - so don't feel bad. You know who is really good and does not use a recipe - Bishop! YES - CUMMING DID ADOPT A BABY- such awesome news for them huh! His name is Nicholas - Ian and Sheila are such cute and good paretns. He was born in March. I am sure they would love to hear from you. Take Care - Love your blog - Heidi

  2. Jen! My mom told me about your blog and I had so much fun looking through it. I am not good at cookies either. I never even try. I'd rather make a fun dinner than bake. Chase was so excited when I made a box of brownies the other day... anyway, its so fun to see your family! Our blog is chaseleahtaylor.blogspot.com. Love ya!

  3. I am so glad this recipe worked for you.
    We should live next door to each other--you make the lovely dinners and I will bake cookies and other goodies (I'd rather bake cookies than make dinner any day!).
    Fun, fun!!


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