July 10, 2008

aunt gracie's 30's quilt...

so what do you do when you're feeling down? i quilt... Grey and I both wanted to make a quilt with 30's fabric, she let me use her fabric if i cut two out... i think i started cutting it out on the 4th of July and finished the top on the 9th... kinda quick and crazy. i still need to quilt it, but i'm not sure how i'm going to do it yet. The fabric is Aunt Gracie's and the pattern "Yours Truly" from Eleanor Burn's book, Still Stripping. i LOVE these cute fabrics, and the stars were fun to do, especially because i cut out two of everything.

1 comment:

  1. I love this quilt. It looks a bit too tricky (small pieces), but I really love it!!! the fabric is adorable too.


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