July 08, 2008

my aching veins...

mmm... iron

crackers anyone?

yeah, i went to my blood doctor again today... last week i had an IV infusion of Iron everyday for 5 days... my hemoglobin levels still went DOWN- it seems that my red blood cells kill each other... my doctor is from India... when he saw me last time he said in his cute, heavy accent, "My you're HUGE!! I thought you having twins for sure..." This time he said, "Yes, you are huge, you are growing good, no?" Anyway, I started 5 days of infusions AGAIN!! They have put an IV into the exact same spot of my exact same vein 5 out the past 6 infusions... one of these times they are going to start the machine and I'm just going to start spouting blood or iron everywhere from all the holes they have put in me. oh, and I'm getting B12 shots for the next 7 days... did i tell you that i hate needles? i used to have nightmares about doctors sticking me 100 times in the arm... maybe they were preparing me for my calling in life...

it could be worse, i know. I'm so excited and grateful for this little baby to come into our family, but i am feeling a bit sorry for myself and my aching veins... i think i need chocolate (and you wonder why I AM HUGE for sure...)


  1. so sorry for your arms--mine cry for yours! Needle issues are seriously why I stopped having epidurals (are you there yet? hee, hee).

  2. I was checking goole analytics this a.m. to see my traffic sources. Saw your blog mentioned as a referring source so thought I'd check you out. Thanks for listing me on your blog roll!!!

  3. You're amazing, Jen! I can't believe you do all that you do. And I never knew you had this blood condition (I forget what it's called). Now you're just all that much more amazing to me!


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