August 26, 2008

stripes n' dots...

I made a bag... my very first real life bag- from this pattern!! (It just took me one night and was surprisingly fun and simple to make... I saw a quilt like this at the Material Girls Quilt shop in Utah, and I had to copy it... (here is the pattern if you want to buy it, i just saw a sample, i never actually saw the pattern.) This is a VERY easy quilt and it is SO FUN to make... you just need a front 45x45 and a back 45x45. Baste them together with the batting, then you sew strips of fabric and ric rac right to the front (just the sewing of the strips is your quilting). For binding, just cut 2 1/2 inch strips, iron them in half and sew them around the edges-- since this quilt is designed to fray it is SUPER EASY!! A great beginner project!! My sister-in-law Rebekah made two just like it out of Americana fabric-- they were adorable and fast. The first time you wash them you end up with a mess of strings, but after the second washing they are fine!! Anyway, so fun... every baby quilt i make may end up with frayed binding. :)


  1. Are you in your nesting phase??

  2. what an adorable quilt!!! I'll have to try making one of those soon. thanks for your comment on my blog.

  3. I love this quilt!

    So do you sew through all three layers when you sew the strips on?

    Sorry, I'm a novice!

  4. Yes, just sew 1/4 inch from the edge through the strip, top, batting and bottom... I use a spray adhesive basting to attach the back and front to the batting, and then i just pinned the strips where i wanted them and started sewing... good luck!!

  5. Wow! That quilt is adorable and I can't believe how easy it was! I am definitely going to try one of those. The binding sounds like a dream. . . :) Thanks for sharing, and thanks for linking us to your blog!


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