August 29, 2008

what's 8 cm?...

So, I'm dialated to a 2, 50% effaced...
means nothing.
i think i'm always dialated to a 2...
baby #6-- i have never gone into labor on my own...
will this baby break the trend?
This morning I'm writing my TO DO BEFORE BABY list...
(You know that I LOVE to do lists) I had a transfusion yesterday--
I asked them to find me a strong, black man's blood--
today, i feel powerful (well, not really) but, if i didn't have this belly i bet i could run fast...
i HATE surprises- so, i think i'll plan on having this baby Sept. 15--
(that's the day they will induce me)
everynight when i go to bed i won't think about the possibility of waking up in a puddle of water...
everyday when i feel a contraction, i won't wonder if it has been 3 minutes since my last one,
and, i'm not going to constantly rework my "if i go into labor today i will send my kids to..." plan
in fact, i'm not even going to think about the possibility of going into labor on my own...
8 cm... it's a chasm...
oooh, was that another contraction... i better go to the bathroom to see if i'm leaking amniotic fluid... :)


  1. Ahh the waiting game. It's so exciting to be that close. It seems to go so slowly and yet so fast.
    It's nice to have an induction date though. Then you know there is an end point. I was 10 days late on Emily and 3 on Tyler. With Spencer I changed doctors and they let me set a date. It was so nice to know that I wouldn't go over.

    Good Luck with the last few weeks! I love labor and delivery. Yes, it is hard and painful, but seeing that sweet baby after anticipating them for 9 months is so exciting!


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