September 12, 2008

And we have a baby girl . . . for real this time!

This is Todd writing on the fly, hence no pictures yet (Jen is much better at this sort of thing). Yes, we did have a baby girl at 3:17 pm on Thursday, 9/11. Here's the details: Name: Lily ______ (middle name TBD) Weight: 7-11 Length: 20 inches After an emergency c-section, Jenifer is recovering nicely and Lily is in the UMC NICU due to some fluid in the lungs. We'll know more as time progresses, but it looks like Lily will stay at UMC for at least the next 1-2 weeks, and Jen will be coming home early next week. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. WELCOME TO THE WORLD LILY!!! We're happy you are here. Love to all of you, and please give Jen a special hug from me.

  2. Todd,
    Don't worry a bit!! that cute angel is going to be ok? why? because my boys are praying for her!! and when they pray...miracles happen!!
    We love you and know that eventhough this has not been easy at all, it will definitely be worth it!! kiss Lily and Jen for us!

  3. Congratulations Moss family!!! We are so happy for you guys. Hope Jen and Lily recover quickly so you can all be home together soon :)
    We love you guys.

    love Jason, Vicki, Joshua & Claire Gilbert :)

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!! I can't wait to see pictures of Lily!

  5. We are so happy for your little one to be here. I hope the recovery goes well for Jen and Lily can make great progress quickly. We miss you guys!!

  6. Todd and Jenn,

    Congratulations! I wanted to let you guys know that if you need a babysitter for any of your kids so that you can go and spend time in the NICU with Lily, please call me. I know how hard it is wanting to be up in the NICU with the baby, but not being able to because of all of the children. So please, call me and I will watch them anytime, I am fairly close to UMC and my girls would love to have friends over to play!

    Congrats again!


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