September 13, 2008

Lily Grace

This is Todd again, typing while Jen dictates over the phone . . . Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers! After a scary start, Lily Grace is still in critical care the NICU, but she is breathing completely on her own!! She is the sweetest, cutest baby. All of the nurses are in love with her--she is very sweet and mellow. She ate through a feeding tube for the first time today (no longer through IV), so the next step is get her feeding on her own. Jen is grateful for drugs and every moment that she gets to hold her little baby (it was nearly 24 hours before Jen could see Lily, and 36 before she could hold her). Jen took some nice pics but Todd left the camera at the hospital after the visit today. We have been very blessed by the attention that we have received at the hospital, the wonders of modern medicine, and the wonderful friends who were with our kids for the first two days and others who have offered their support. Now Todd gets to spend some quality time with the kids until Jen gets back on Monday morning, and Todd' mother flies out Monday afternoon.


  1. I am so glad that Lily is doing better. The NICU has some of the most wonderful hospital staff!

  2. sounds scary! I can't wait till you are both home safe and sound. Give me a call and fill me in on all the details!
    I'm glad you are both doing better.
    Love your guts!
    (the word verification for this comment is: ipoosnak
    kind of funny)

  3. Congratulations on that sweet baby girl. We hope that you both recover and improve quickly! We'll be thinking of you all and hoping things are going well.


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