September 08, 2008

It's a... BOY!?

After a long day of labor, little Graham made his entrance into the world... Can you believe it's a boy?? Isn't he the cutest little thing ever? Doesn't he make you want to have a baby? Yeah, me too... my friend, Becky Hardin, just gave birth and emailed a link to 71 adorable pictures of her first experience with labor... I want to meet my baby. Can you imagine our shock if we really had a boy!? Side Note- if you call my house and I'm not home it doesn't mean that I'm in labor... but, it probably does mean that I'm sitting in a hospital waiting room somewhere WISHING i were in labor-- yeah, this is the week of doctor appointments gotta tank up--LOVE IT!


  1. you stinker. You always get me excited/worried and then I have to remind my self to finish reading the post before I react...
    I'm excited to meet your baby too!

  2. I just about had a heart attack as the first thing that I saw was a baby on your blog and then I saw some little boy parts and thought "wait a minute, Jen thought she was having a girl?" Then I read more and realized it wasn't your baby at all! You had me going though!

  3. Wow! I thought you really had a little boy! You are great at putting us on the edge of our seats. I was just telling my daughter you had made all of these little girl things and what would you do with them. Then I finished reading!

    Good Luck on Monday if not before!

  4. you silly girl!!! you almost gave me a heart attack!! the boys and I were jumping as soon as I read..."it was a boy!!!"
    I did not even read the rest!! I got on the phone and call Todd!!! and said: "I am soooo happy for you guys!!" and he just started laughing!!!
    I guess I did not read the fine print, huh????
    We love you anyway!!!


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