September 08, 2008

words of wisdom:: 2 Linda Eyre

I love the Eyre's... you know the creators of joyschool (although I didn't LOVE joyschool-- still love the concept). Anyway, I've been rereading Linda Eyre's book, I Didn't Plan to be a Witch, and A Joyful Mother of Children... I found this quote that I loved... "...the joy in life doesn't usually come in long stretches for hours at a time, month after month, year after year . . . but in moments. "the very best gift... is that anyone can experience those unexpected twinkles of joy that make a magical moment. At these moments, you feel true, deep joy because of a great new insight, a beautiful prospect, or a glimpse into the radiance of another soul. They are the magic moments when life seems better than you ever realized, moments when you know positively that the light and love of Jesus Christ is wrapped around you like a warm blanket." (Linda Eyre, A Joyful Mother of Children, p. 108-109)

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