November 03, 2008

for grey...

This is my friend Grey, with her newest- Sadie... notice that Leah is crying for Grey to pick her up, not me... yeah, she likes Grey more.
This is the quilt I wish I was working on-- it's from crazy mom quilts... AND i can make it all out of SCRAPS...
i saw this at it's cuter if you look up close...
Grey's redecorating her room-- we're doing projects at my house next week... (if we can get her to STOP CLEANING HER HOUSE and STOP PAINTING HER HOUSE and STOP THINKING ABOUT SELLING HER HOUSE...) This is because we can't talk on the phone without referencing 100 different ideas we've seen somewhere on some blog...
and here is that cool before and after blog that i was telling you about (thanks leah)...
we SERIOUSLY need to check some flea markets to buy back some of the stuff we sold at our garage sale. :)

1 comment:

  1. It good to see a face with a name! I feel like I know you Grey! Congrads on your newest!


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