November 02, 2008

Top 10- Oct 27-Nov 3

Top 10 Moss Moments...

These are my top 10 memories from this week... I can't really rate them, so they are in no particular order. 1. Reading with leah... when I nurse lily, leah brings a large pile of books and sits right beside me "reading"... love it! 2. Anna, Ellie and I had a girl's date to see High School Musical 3-- my fave was when anna stood up and we all were dancing in our seats... 3. i figured out mornings with ellie!! after a month of morning war, i told ellie if she got dressed (in the outfit that we picked out the night before), put on her shoes and socks, and came to scripture time without being cranky, i would cuddle with her for a minute. Yup, that's all it took-- 60 seconds of hugs have changed our whole morning... she's a new woman and I get happy, mornin' luvin'... good times! 4. Drew is a pistol at times, but he has the most tender heart... he hates when lily or leah cry, and he ALWAYS remembers to feed the fish and the frog... i just watched him feeding the frog the other day and could feel his kindness. He is saving up his money to buy Killer Cobra Boss Moss a new tank (he's back in a small tank because he can't play nice with the fish)... sweet, tender boy. 5. My husband LOVES my baby... i guess i should say OUR baby... but seriously, there is nothing sweeter than hearing Todd coo to Lily and seeing big smiles on both of their faces. Todd has said to me over and over, "Can you imagine not having Lily in our family? Isn't she the sweetest thing?" I love that he loves them as much as I do!! 6. We had a family clean-up on Saturday morning... it was torturous, but ended well. My favorite moment was when Jakob turned around on his way out to play and said, "Mom, sorry I had such an attitude about cleaning up, it wasn't that bad really." Cute! I love that he is getting old enough to self-evaluate and change. I love having person to person talks with him. I love laughing with him at things that are really funny. I love the boy that he is becoming... most of the time. 7. Todd got out some quarters and "bought" candy from the kids. It was so funny watching them barter. Good thing I was there to make sure they didn't get ripped off. They'd come to him with a whole shirt full of chocolate bars and ask, "How much for this Dad?" They all had piles... "Do you like Now and Laters Dad?" (No, he hates Now and Laters- his favorite is chocolate covered raisins and bit-o-honeys... once he let slip this info i told the kids they should hold out for at least a quarter for one bit-o-honey) Needless to say, the kids have full coin purses and Todd and I have quite a stash of candy... this is economic teeth saving... 8. I bought new jeans!! Yay!! It took trying on over 40 pairs to find the one that i liked best... TJ Max was my store of choice... $16.99 was the final cost of my cute new jeans... Yeah, they were size 5!! Isn't it funny that you just feel skinny knowing you're in a smaller size. In many jeans I squeezed into 9's or even 11's but somehow, my favorite pair were size 5... hmmm. I also found a new fun store-- Dusty's. It's like a glorified, Texas version of Claire's. They have hundred of cute necklace/earring combos for not a lot of money... everything was CHEAP! like $10 for set. So FUN!! I'll admit, I did have to look at what women in the store were wearing before I could choose one-- I'm still working on the accessory thing... I think my girls would LOVE this store-- I'm going to take them next Girl's Date... 9. We had a family night on the trampoline tonight. Todd taught a lesson on taking care of our bodies. (You know, stuff like brushing our teeth and wiping our bums, not eating our boogies, etc...) I was laughing as I imagined our neighbors listening on their porches next door... Most of the time we were threatening that the kids wouldn't get dessert if they didn't sit still, most of the time Leah was running circles around us throwing a ball, most of the time Jakob and Drew were trying to bug each other with their feet, and most of the time I was ready to announce- BED TIME!! But, it was a lot of fun and a sweet family moment (most of the time). 10. Texas Tech beat the Longhorns!! Go RAIDERS!! What a great game!! We had a family football party... with nachos, Sprite Zero, pigs in a blanket and CANDY... we put the kids to bed at half-time, and I fell asleep on the couch, but Todd did a good job with the final 8 second play by play the next morning and we all are psyched that Tech is now rated #2 in the nation by ESPN [the Professor wants me to know that it is the BCS poll that has them ranked #2... ohh, the BCS poll, i was wondering about that]... I've never been more proud... So, these are my Top TEN Moments... What were yours? Isn't life fun-- at least there are plenty of fun moments amidst the craziness of life!?

Have a GREAT week!!


  1. See this blog thing is going to be great! I didn't even talk to you this week and I know all about what was going on! I love you and your writing - you are so funny!

  2. Great moments! We did the tramp thing for FHE months ago. It was fun, but I think the neighborhood got an earful!

    I am now moving onto my lap quilt. I just need to put the border on it, then I will start on Christmas. It will be here fast!

  3. Ahhhh Since both Brian and Matt went to University of Texas, we were totally routing for Texas, but since we love you and know you are a Texas Tech fan, we were routing for you to come in second. heehee. Also I couldn't wait to get to your blog today in hopes that you would have posted your Halloween pics. Yea you did. You always do the best Halloween themes. I was excited to see what you chose this year. The costumes were GREAT! You and Todd are such great parents. The world would be a better place if there were more parents like you. I love you honey.

  4. Wow, that is a great top 10! I am going to do it. It reminds me of my gratitude journal...maybe I will have to post some of that too! Thanks for the great example Jen!


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