November 13, 2008

HELP! My shirts are shrinking...

Well, I'm not sure exactly what happened. But over the summer, my winter shirts have shrunk. Seriously. I tried on 3 long-sleeve shirts this morning and there is about two inches of cold air between my shirt and my pants. How did I wear these clothes last year? Perhaps the fact that I had #6 over the summer may account for a larger belly/chest area, thus pulling my shirts a bit shorter (it's all mathematical, and hard to explain...) But, I prefer to think it's a problem with my summer-storage... And, the air in Texas... things just shrink. that. is. it. all. of. my. shirts. have. shrunk. TGFTTTCMT... (duh. this means Thank Goodness For Tank Tops That Cover My Tummy) If you see me with a long tank and a teeny-shirt... or worse, with a little bit of bum peaking through... Please don't start singing, "Fat man in a little coat..." (name that movie for 5 pts.) Just understand... we're having problems with shrinkage. [The professor says, after reading and adequately laughing... "Really? I haven't noticed that." -- 10 points for him.]


  1. Hey Jen, I found your blog recently from one of the Ypsi girls (can't remember which one). Anyway, I couldn't NOT comment since you quoted one of my favorite movies! Tommy Boy! So sad he's dead now.

    So how are you? I can't believe you have 6 kids! That's awesome! I hope you and Todd are doing well in TX. We have some good friends in Houston and Brent's sister lives in San Antonio. They both seem to have a love-hate relationship with Texas. I hope you're having a great experience there!

  2. Hmmm...Texas air. That has to be it! Your posts are so entertaining.
    MYSMICC. duh.

  3. I seem to be having the same shrinkage issues at my house! : )

  4. See... I TOLD you it was the TEXAS air (Susan is from Texas too)

    And, 5 points for Ann!! WAY TO GO!!

  5. That is my favorite part to quote from that movie! It always cracks me up.
    Sorry about the shirts,and the lack of phone calls from me--so all-consumed, but a chat would do me good!


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