November 15, 2008

better than child locks??!

hmmm... we may have a two year old who is a bit scared of a certain picture that came on one of The Professor's birthday cards... we may have a two year old who has a bad habit of getting into her mother's makeup... we may have accidentally left the scary picture in the makeup drawer... it may have worked so well that we may be taking the picture to Kinko's to copy and place on every possible mess in the house... we may keep the picture to staple to the coats of boys we don't want our daughters to date when they're older... we may have occasionally told a scared child that they better stay in bed and stay VERY quiet or they would wake-up the monster under their bed... we may be creating children with emotional issues... maybe. maybe not...


  1. Nice.
    Your child will turn out brave and courageous, despite your tactics, while mine will be afraid of everything, despite my sensitivity to them--fair? I don't think so.
    Love and smiles!


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