November 16, 2008

Top 10 MOMENTS... Nov 3-Nov 16

I collect memories like some people collect quotes or books. I love remembering. One of my greatest fears is forgetting the moments. This is one of the reasons why I blog-- I want to enjoy these moments, and I want to remember them. For as long as I can remember, I have gone through the week with an index card by my bed where I jot down a few words to remind me of fun moments, crazy moments, perfect moments, sad moments, etc... Here are some moments from the past couple of weeks... I'm Gonna Miss This Moment: Lily... at 3am... MY FAVORITE. The house is quiet, the baby is SO smiley, she smells like warm, fuzzy blankets. She tries so hard to talk and comes up with sweet, squeaky goo's. She snorts and squeaks when she nurses, and cuddles right to sleep. I just have to keep rocking cause I KNOW I'm gonna miss this. Eyes Catch, Laugh Together and Continue On Moment: Jakob came home from school and I was picking up the family room. I caught a glimpse of his socks the same time he caught a glimpse of his socks. They were short socks, his favorite, but they had purple and pink hearts on them. He laughed, I laughed and he said, "Ooops." Thinking and Experiencing Moment: Last night the boys and I went to the Steer Roping Nationals (with our friends the Partington's). Drew was wide-eyed and full of questions. This type of rodeo is outlawed in California because it's a bit hard on the cows- they totally flip in the air. Drew is a boy/boy, but also a tender heart. He holds my hand while we watch. When we went to get popcorn he was torn, "Mom, I want to come, but I just don't want to miss this." Please, Don't Grow Up Too Soon Moment: Anna and I had a Mommy-Date on Friday. One of the things that we did was get makeovers at a beauty supply store. The lady asked Anna what colors she liked. She said, "Anything except pink and purple." WHAT?! She picked out a deep green and shiny black eyeshadow... oooh... I like pink and purple little girls. Just Keep Smiling Moment: Friday. Thanksgiving lunch up at school... three kids, three different lunch hours... leah and lily... Leah doesn't want to sit in the stroller. Lily poops. THREE times. (Wipes fell out of the diaper bag in the car). love it... Just Keep Smiling Moment (Take 2): Friday Night. Book group. I'm in charge of the discussion. Lily. Needs to nurse right when we get there cause I'm running late. So, I'm leading the discussion, nursing a snorting, squeaking baby and... Lily poops. Blow out. THREE times. Wipes are still in the car. One baby diaper. One Leah size 4 diaper. One borrowed diaper. No change of clothes. love it... Big Mess Moment: Leah. Butter. enough said. Out of the Mouths of Babes Moments: "Maaahhm. itsMYturn... itsMYturn..." leah with me in the shower (after the butter incident)... she doesn't like to share the water. "Maaahhm. CATCH." leah climbs the changing table while I'm nursing. She found a camera. "Maaahhm? I see Cheese?" repeated ten times while I'm asking what? Finally, with a BIG smile. "CHEESE? I see Cheese?" the camera... she wanted to play with the camera. at 5am, leah is in our bed playing and wiggling. i ask if she wants to go back to her bed. she replies, "No. Nuffing." "Just ONE bite. Just ONE bite." anna has bubble tape, leah follows her around all afternoon. "itsOK elllyee, itsOK." sympathetic-leah is rubbing the back of a sobbing-ellie while had-enough-momma does pig tails... MMM... Moment: Went to a play date and both Leah and I had a bag of peanut butter Ritz crackers. I finished Leah's bag. The thought went through my mind, hmmm a lot of hers don't have peanut butter on them... still ate them. The next day I sat by Leah as she ate her ritz bits... maybe I should say I sat by her while she licked all the peanut butter off her ritz and put the crackers back into the bag. Mmmm. Glad He's Mine FOREVER Moment: I just love laughin' with my cute husband. I got some new mascara on my date with Anna... it's the subject of a future blog (read here) because it may have cost a lot of money... All weekend Todd kept telling me how beautiful he thought I was, followed up with a "it must be the lashes." And, I may have made some rockin' yo mama arm warmers (also the subject of a future blog- read here) and Todd may have spent the whole weekend mocking them. My favorite was when he told me he was going to get himself some leg warmers and wear jean shorts with his leg warmers to school. Honestly, I think Todd just tries to say funny one-liners so that he can be featured on the blog. He's a dork, but we'll be laughing together forever. Life. Lovin' the Moments. Note- Next week I hope to have a grateful for laundry moment... :)


  1. i love your stories... and that you tell them so well. :) thanks for making me smile & brightening my week by sharing yours.... you are AMAZING!



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