November 17, 2008

luscious lashes... priceless

Can you see it?
Look closely at my lashes...
(I only did one side so you could tell the difference.)
Luscious, long, and lovely...
YES-- this mascara is worth $20 (cough. cough.)

I debated. I held the $5.60 400x Maybeline lash enhancing mascara and compared it to Pinpoint Lash Injection... but, EVERYONE that works at the makeup store (and gets $5 commission on each bottle sold) wears Lash Injection mascara... they PROMISED me it would both lengthen and curl my lashes... the final kicker, it was

"Tested on Celebrities, NOT Animals." Come on, I'm just trying to do my part to save the rats.

Can you put a price tag on humanity? WOW!!

I walk out the door and feel like a million dollars (well, maybe $20). I know most days my lashes are worth more than my whole outfit. The Professor can't keep his hands off me. He says, "Oooh it must be those lashes." So, if you happen to see me looking especially long lashed... go ahead compliment me. I really don't know how I ever lived before PINPOINT Lash INJECTION.

yes, this is me-- multi-tasking... I'm getting ready for the rodeo, talking on the phone to my mom, and taking a picture for this blog... leah is sitting on the counter to my left 'helping'...

oh, it's so much more fun to write these silly blogs than to fold the ginormous pile of laundry that is waiting for me...


  1. Wow! Those eyes are popping now!

  2. Can't hardly believe mascara can actually do that in real life!
    Hot mamma!


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