November 18, 2008

yo momma arm warmers...

These are my Yo Momma Arm Warmers...
These are the Yo Baby version... I know it's hard to tell, but they are actually socks that I modified. $3 at Target-- Target also had the cutest knee socks for kids. (I even like the socks better than the real baby legs you could buy for $11... funny that I cut the socks to make baby leg and arm warmers instead of just keeping them as socks... but SO cute!) I cut off the foot part and sewed a straight line hem on my machine and TAH DAH... I LOVE them- cause we live in TEXAS... we can wear short sleeves and throw on some arm warmers if it's a bit chilly. And, my girls LOVE them... Yes, the Professor laughs at me. He says it looks like I've been burned. He threatens to buy a pair of Man Socks and make his own arm/leg warmers. He occasionally asks, "Are you really going to wear those in public?" He rolled his eyes when I showed him my striped pair, my pink paisley pair, and I threatened to get some hot pink arm warmers with skulls on them. :) I had to show him this post on Little Birdie Secrets where I got the idea before he believed that anyone else in the world actually wore them.


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