March 18, 2009

it's spring (not-really-a) break...

kids are doin' lots of this...
and i'm doin' lots of this...LOVE IT!!
(seriously-- it's 75* in Lubbock right now... so lovely.)


  1. Jealous!!! It did get up to 50 today!

  2. Let's see, how many FEET of snow do we still have???? Oh well! I LOVE all of the bright colored, flowered quilts you do, I just have to look at them and they brighten up my day!

  3. Jen, I love that quilt. It is so happy and fun! Happy spring!

  4. Ok Jen, come on. I know it is spring break and you have 6 kids and a husband to take care of and quilts to make, mountains of laundry and that little thing of having to feed all those people a few times a day, but I am totally going through "Jen's blog" withdrawl. but, I'll take it easy on you...just wanted you to know you are loved, or is it called stocking???


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