March 24, 2009

here come the brides...

yes, we have continual dress-up land at our house... it is HILARIOUS listening to the pretend play of little girls. "And then you kiss your prince on the lips"... although it makes me giggle, i'm glad my girls dream of prince charming and happily-ever-after... i found my prince. and, even if happily-ever-after is a bit harder then i dreamed it would be, i'm grateful that i started with dreams...
somehow, when i snapped this shot of Anna, it seemed a little too real.
Anna is a mother-soul, she's the wedding planner, the director... "You stand here and I'll sing while you walk down the isle..."
Ellie is in-charge of drama, "And then the wicked witch comes and tries to take my prince and i hit her over the head with my magic flowers, and save him. ...AND we kiss on the lips." Leah thinks she's 8 and she keeps up with the big kids easy... aside from occasional wardrobe malfunction she's ready to face any prince, witch or sibling that tries to take away her crown.
yes. i have romantic girls. but they are strong and i'm excited to watch as their dreams unfold.
on a side note... i had to laugh when we were getting in the car the other day. The big kids all yell, "I have front seat." "I have back middle." "I have front-middle." and leah yelled, "I have carseat."
she holds her own.


  1. I cannot wait to see my girl playing cute stuff!! My boys are all about killing dragons, cars, and dinosaurs!!! I guess that's how it is supposed to be.
    I love to be an online witness of how your little angels are growing up.

  2. Maggie came up to me so upset last week while playing with our group because no one would marry her. She said that "all she wanted was a prince!" All I could do was laugh and tell her...Me too!


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