April 20, 2009

Canned Yam Moments...

ok. remember my canned yam discovery? this is a close 2nd.
Honestly, we've been having hair issues. and, we have lots of hair.
it's been a couple of years now that i've been searching for the key to shiny, smooth, children's hair. some kids look put together and some kids look straggley... i've narrowed it down to hair.
(and dirty faces.) my girls- sorry to say- have had the straggley look. I've tried bathing them more, adding cute hair accesories, using tangle spray... nothing helped.
and then. in an off-handed conversation, i happened to mention my chagrin to Grey while at her MIL's house and MIRACLE OF MIRACLES... she said-- YOU HAVE TO USE CONDITIONER. that's it. Not just the two-in-one combined suave for kids tear-free shampoo and conditioner that smells like strawberries (that's fine for step one)... but you need the "sit in the hair for five minutes, adult, cheap Suave conditioner..." A Lot of it. A whole adult handful. And you really need to wait for the five minutes. especially here in dry ol' Tejas.
who knew?
last night we tried it.
it changed my life.
this morning we brushed and braided with NO TEARS and NO TANGLES.
changed my life.
please. tell me your secrets. i just know there is a whole universe of secret tips that allude me.

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