June 15, 2009

not missin' em yet...

not doing this... or this... but havin' fun paintin' a little bit of this... to make me some of this... like it? it's my new PTA desk. yard sale bargain plus a little lovin' and Whaaa Laahh!! off to enjoy my last day without my "blessings"... nope. not missing them yet.


  1. I'm jealous, what a fun project you are doing! And to not have any little fingerprints in your new paint job is priceless!

  2. So cute! I love it! And, I'm so thrilled that you guys had a few days of fun and romance...so great! Love you! Get ready for tommorow...gettin' all those little ones back!

  3. Oh my goodness--SOOOOOOO cute!!! I love how creative and HGTV-looking the whole project is! (Plus, I love that you are actually doing something... if I had all that time sans kids, I'd probably just hide out w/several books!:-))

  4. Came over from Jenni's blog....wow,I'm impressed with your new desk! Great job painting and love the paper on the back of the shelves. Isn't it always so fulfilling to do a project like that?

    Enjoyed reading...and glad you had a great time without your "blessings". :) Love that.


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