June 13, 2009

things i'm lovin'...

guess what!? we're kid-less. they are ALL at my MOM's house for a few days. seriously. AMAZING!! we have NEVER... well, not in the past few years... had a few days ALONE. i keep looking in my backseat to be sure i didn't forget a child. yup. lovin' life. and, lovin' this lady... and, surprisingly, i'm lovin' this book. can you believe it? romantic, happy-ending lovin', surprise hatin' me, loves this book. i think. i just finished it this morning while sun was shining through my window and my sweet man was snoring beside me... he's so romantic when he breathes heavy. yup. NO KIDS TO WAKE US UP... oh, my sweet jakob, who has risen with the sun since he was born... i don't even need you here to wake up early. who knew?and, i'm really, really lovin' this guy. (did i tell you we're painting stuff white? yup. he loves me too.) you know, i'm SO grateful i married the stud who was ALWAYS picked first in gym class. and just a little side note that i should NOT write in case todd's grammy really does read our blog, but i will anyway, because i'm from New Jersey... :) and we already have had six kids so people know what's going on... but anyway, did you know i still look dang cute in the nighty that i wore the night we were married. how many mommies of 6 can say that? thank you. ok... we're off to enjoy the rest of our heavenly weekend. (dare i call it that if i believe families are forever?) let's say, our Paradisiacal Weekend. May the sun shine on you too!!


  1. Lucky, lucky girl!!! I am SO happy for you--what a super way to spend several days... w/a HUSBAND!!! (Can't even imagine, but sounds amazing.) I love this post. And I didn't even know Shannon Hale had another book out all ready--sounds so cute!
    Oh, and LOVE, really LOVE the fine print--you're amazing!:-)

  2. Yay for you! And yay for wedding night nighties you can still look amazing in! ;)

  3. Lucky duck! How'd you swing all that time away from 7 kiddos? I don't think I could wear my wedding night nighty right now... well, it would be tight! But it's a good goal for after the baby :)

  4. So great that you let your mom do that for you!
    Bet it was nice!!


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