October 02, 2009

back to my roots...

do you write lists? since school started this year, i've become an obsessive planner... and list writer... this is my try at the MASTER grocery list. i liked it because i bought everything on my list (for the next 2 weeks of meals) but, i spend a lot more with a list... like $500. yes, yesterday i spent $500 at wal-mart... 3 carts full of groceries and two toddlers VERY high on fruit snacks because. when i write lists... i get creative and i print out recipes for things like... real New York Cheescake... and Tiny Pumpkin Bites... and the world's best lasagna with fennel seeds... and chicken spaghetti with pimentos, and lotsa stuff like that... so, my list is expensive but, my cup runneth over. isn't this a lovely sight?? we're all full and ready for the famine. yeah... the end of the month there may be a famine since i spent so much at the beginning... lists... and... i made granola. Homemade. it is SOOOO yummy and took only 8 minutes. here is a link to the recipe i used... seriously... try some. mmmmm. and, i took a trip to the salon and i've returned to the dark side. i like my hair better dark. it's me. this is all me... and these are my moments. hope you enjoy!


  1. That is quite a Walmart trip!! I've left there with two carts full of food but never three, but then again, you've got a few more kids than I do. That granola looks yummy and I like the new hair color. I haven't been daring enough, ever, to dye my hair. Yet. As soon as those grays start coming in more I'm sure it'll become quite commonplace in my little world. Oh, and my girls would be quite excited to see the "pink milk" (strawberry syrup) in your fridge. Amazing what our eyes are drawn to, huh? Have a great conference weekend.

  2. I like your hair better dark too. I missed you last week. We've been playing...no school for two days!

  3. I agree--your hair is so cute all dark.
    I love homemade granola (my mom used to make it). That one looks all full of goodness.
    Love the fridge and shopping list.
    So many new recipes . . .you certainly are fully LIVING this life, Jen.

  4. Ya, lists always make me spend more money as well. But don't you feel empowered?? I love it.

    You look really good Jen :) Hope you're feeling well.
    love ya.


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