October 06, 2009


today i'm grateful for the family i have. we for sure lost the baby i was carrying. it is sad, but today we are grateful and hopeful. thanks for all your sweet prayers and concern. life is good. and, we are very blessed.


  1. I've been thinking about you! You do have an amazing family and you are all very strong. Isn't it great to have a husband and children that love you! you are blessed!

  2. I'm sorry to hear that. Your family is wonderful. Lucky kiddos and lucky parents.
    Love you.

  3. We are so sorry to hear that you lost the baby. We will be thinking of you all. You have a beautiful family!

  4. You are strong! I thought of this scripture when I read your post. I read it everyday!! D&C 84:88
    Love you!

  5. I am very sorry for your lose! You are an amazing women who inspires many by your words. Thank you for you! My prayers are with you and your family which by the way are adorable:)

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby. Love you cuz!

  7. Jen, I am so very sorry. I have lost a little one, too, and it was so very hard. I will be praying for you...

  8. I'm so sorry, Jen. I know the heartache. I'm sorry you're experiencing this. I'm glad you are able to take comfort in your beautiful family. Thanks for sharing the tears as well as the joys with us. :)

  9. Oh Jen, I am so sorry. It is so hard to lose a baby. You are always in our prayers, now more than ever. Take care of yourself


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