November 04, 2010

schedule fun.

 i LOVE fun seekers.
i HATE routine.

i'm not a routine person, i need fun things.
for me, it's events... at my house.
and food.
fun foods...  i hate cooking routine stuff, i love pretty foods and festive foods...
i love to invite over friends for a fun time.
but, i love when other people invite me to activities...
because i tend to be a homebody, i love fun seeking friends.

it seems to me that life tends to get us too busy for other people.
too busy to enjoy.
too focused on ourselves that we forgot to reach out, to have friends, to enjoy and celebrate.
this month, i want to schedule more fun.
and oh, with all the stuff on my schedule that is not fun, it is hard to schedule fun.

So, here are some ideas i've come up with... for my fun-infused November...
-invite adult friends over for an adult game night.
-plan the night before thanksgiving... Thankful Night.  (this is a tradition i started last year, and I loved it.)
-play at the park more.
-bring the little girls to the library once a week.
-make funny names for our breakfast shake each morning.
-let the kids invite friends over once a week.
-make a sign for my mantle that says "Give Thanks"
-watch a football game and make a football food party.
-make caramel popcorn on Sunday evenings.
-invite 2 families over for dinner this month.
-take the kids "christmas shopping looking".
-drink hot apple cider and egg nog.
-start to make one gift for each kid for Christmas.
-make pumpkin stuff.
-make fun awards for cleanest room, best bed maker, etc... buy fun candy to go with them and surprise them with an award assembly when they get home from school.
-kidnap the kids from school for a field trip (i think i'm going to do this next Friday... i rescheduled my ultrasound for next week cause the professor was out of town... wouldn't it be fun to bring the big kids?)
-pick some friends in our neighborhood and surprise them with door bell ditching "i'm grateful for you" treats.
-pick one afternoon for a surprise detour on the way home from school... maybe to McDonald's for pumpkin shakes.
-watch some fun thanksgiving specials on tv- charlie brown and the fat turkey?
-watch Toy Story 3 at the dollar movies.
-go to the Heritage Center or the Buddy Holly Museum.
-walk around the mall with the little girls in a stroller, then let them play at the mall park.

i don't know... do you have any ideas?  
I'm sure there are more things to do around town that i don't know about.
my goal this month... do more fun stuff.
not just laundry and dinner and breakfast and lunch and laundry and dinner and breakfast and lunch...
and, hooray for the end of soccer!!
hello fun November.  i'm ready for you!

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