December 21, 2010

4 days till Christmas... parties.

we have been surrounded by friends the past four days... and it has been so fun.

sorry, i didn't pull out my camera at any of the parties we've gone to.
but, if you have a holiday get-together planned here are some great ideas...

1. Decorate Gingerbread Men... at our PTA party, the kids had a blast decorating Gingerbread men. With lots of candy, regular icing from the grocery store, and pre-made cookies it was a perfect sugary craft.

2. White Elephant Gift Exchange/Chinese Gift exchange... you've done these gift swaps before. Everybody draws a number and when it's their turn they can choose a gift from under the tree to unwrap or steal someone else's gift. Number ONE has a chance to steal at the very end. 3 steals and a gift is frozen with it's 3rd owner. White Elephant gifts are funny/used gifts... Chinese Gifts are just regular gifts that you swap around. So fun.

3. Christmas Tree on your head... one of my kids' teachers had them put a green piece of paper on their head and draw a Christmas tree. The kid with the best tree won. Cute game.

4. Doughnut Party... last night we went to a fun open house. Using those biscuits in a tube, the Voorhies made homemade fried doughnuts. They had plates of chocolate and vanilla icing, powdered sugar, and cinnamon/sugar. With hot apple cider. It was so fun to visit with people and warm doughnuts were perfect. We may have to start this tradition in Oregon.

5. Christmas Songs... we had 3 families over for dinner on Sunday night. 8 adults, 15 kids. We ate pot stickers and fried rice and i put cranberries in my crystal light which everyone thought was fancy. My friends brought homemade rolls and gooey cake and root beer floats. It was fun and casual (and crazy with all those kids.) I made them play games... and I made everyone sing. I'm not sure that everyone else loved it as much as I did, but to me it was SO FUN! The songbook I printed has a mix of spiritual and funny songs. I loved hearing drew sing off-key next to me. I loved hearing what songs everyone chose to sing. Yes, the professor chose "Here we Come A-Wassailing." We didn't have a real piano player, so it was just a cappella. But, off and on through the night one of the kids would volunteer to play for us a Christmas song that they had practiced. So cute. I LOVED singing with friends.

And, that's all i have so far.
My brother and sister arrived from Houston yesterday morning.
It is so fun to see them here.
I don't think my mom is coming at all... i hate this.
We saw Tangled at the movie theatre yesterday-- so cute!
Today... we have lots of ideas but no firm plans.
My fridge is already empty-- and we still have a week till Christmas.
I have outlawed my children playing on my siblings' i phones.
They were driving me crazy asking them to play every second of the day.
Only four days till Christmas-- I can't wait!!


  1. whereever you go- whateveryou do, you bring a party with you. i am sad that we missed the singing- really. we are worse than old people when it comes to "satying out late" . seriously- my kids shut down but 7:00. what's that all about. anyways, have fun these next few days

  2. Glad the season is a fun one so far…hope there are several more parties and festivities yet to come!


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