December 20, 2010

5 days till Christmas... christmas letter

Merry Christmas 2010!!

Life is good here in Lubbock, Texas. We are enjoying our December 80o weather and cherishing our last winter with wind and tumble weed.

Todd graduates this spring with a PhD in Business Administration with an emphasis in Strategy and Entrepreneurship!!! We have accepted a job at Oregon State (OSU), in Corvallis, Oregon. (Go Beavers!!) It is SO EXCITING to be graduating and moving on to real life... again. In Oregon, Todd has promised, we can have a REAL tree in our yard AND a dog. Sounds like fun?!! Todd is feverishly working on his dissertation and teaching classes. But, he takes time for paintball and winter campouts with the scouts and many, many basketball, dance and piano lessons with our kids. He LOVES being a father and daily mentions to Jen that he can’t wait for another baby (or four). 

Jen spends her days making baby number 7—another girl! That will be 2 boys and 5 girls... a house full of wise men and little mothers. The best part of this pregnancy—no blood transfusions yet!! We can’t wait to meet this little girl of ours—around March 18th. Jen also loves to blog about life [] and plan fun things to do with friends and family. She LOVES being a mother. Just as her 2 years as PTA President came to an end, Jen was asked to chair an Interfaith Nativity Exhibit hosted by our church. We have enjoyed the sweet testimony of Christmas that blessed our lives as she worked to prepare a place for others to come and see that we do believe in Christ! With over 400 nativities, newspaper and television coverage and around 800 visitors per day from Lubbock and the surrounding areas... this was an amazing event to be a part of! Next up on our list... selling our house, having a baby, and moving.... Oh, our life is NEVER dull!!

Jakob is in middle school this year! He continues to be on the all A honor roll, in the gifted program at school, plays soccer and basketball, piano and french horn. He is currently second chair in band. He said, “Mom, I wasn’t even sad to loose first chair, because Brian has been trying so hard to beat me all year, when he finally got first chair he was SO excited.” Jakob is the BEST big brother, especially to the littlest girls. He is more organized than we are and a Wii pro. He is so excited to turn 12 in February and enter the Young Men’s program at church. Only six years till graduation?!

Drew is in 5th grade, basketball, chess club and scouts. Drew also gets straight A’s and perfect behavior at school. (Actually, he got a B on a progress report and I jokingly told him that was the first B in our family. He spent 5 minutes looking at the paper in shock, before he pointed out that an 89 was actually a B+... I did notice him studying his spelling words more after that!) He is the best at helping around the house and LOVES to read. After the “maturation discussion” at school, he is meticulous in his washing and grooming—he does not want to get zits when he’s older. Cute boy. We adore his gelled hair, pulled up socks and tucked in shirts. Drew is amazing on the piano. He plays all the time. He loves to pretend he is Pinocchio and make up answers where he isn’t lying but not completely telling the truth either. He enjoys taunting his younger sisters, but is very tenderhearted. This kid keeps us laughing and on our toes.

Anna is in 3rd grade, dance, basketball, and Achievement Days. She is meticulous and slow because she is very particular in all she does. Her drawers are perfectly organized- but it takes her an hour to put away her laundry because she has to refold everything!! Anna loves to read, play with her sisters, ride her bike and SING. She sings constantly and decided to take piano lessons this year instead of violin. She loves music and was especially excited to take part in an all girls choir this fall. Anna is an easy, loving child to have around.

Ellie is in 2nd grade. We are still SHOCKED to hear that she is quiet at school, because she is not quiet at home. Ellie is in dance with Anna. She is always creating... drawing books, cutting paper, yarn or fabric, designing Barbie clothes, painting, or doodling. She is NOT neat, like her sister. But, she loves to make things beautiful (like her mother.) Ellie and Jen do lots of projects together. She is a great party planner—we find menus and agendas she has created all over the house. Ellie is very tenderhearted... she hates to hear her little sisters unhappy and is quick to nurture or make the peace in our home. She is equally creative with her daily outfit choices. For Christmas she wants a case full of make-up, a long blond wig to her bum, sparkling gloves to her elbows and high-heeled black boots that come to her knees. Sweet, sweet Ellie.

Leah is 4 and at home with Mom and Lily during the day. She loves to sing, dance, color, play with boys, dads or animals, and watch Netflix. And she is the BEST big sister... she understands Lily’s language better than anyone in the family. She is NOT the best at sitting quietly during primary. Leah is very smart. Just last week she said, “Mom, I know what ‘don’t ask again’ means. It means you won’t answer my questions anymore. And, ‘don’t start’ means I need to stop crying. Right Mom?” She is so funny. She came home from our widower neighbor’s house and announced, “I know why he is sad Mom. He’s said cause his true love is dead.” And, when Leah and Lily were rocking too fast on the rocking chair this morning, she said, “But Mom, it’s OK, today is Crazy Day!” Leah reminds us daily of the true joy of toddlers.

Lily is 2 and the cutest thing in the world. She is a bit of a pistol, but nobody notices because she is adorable. Lily is the queen of “I do it.” And, “Me too!” And, “I help?” And, “Oh, thanks.” She loves silky blankets and sucking her thumb. She loves baby dolls and baby animals and pretending she is a puppy. She’s the best we’ve ever had at going to sleep for naps and bedtime... and, she talks constantly about the baby in Mom’s tummy. We think our little girls are going to LOVE having a real live baby to play with. Lily is for sure the child that has made us want 5 more children. She brings nothing but joy to our home.

Our house is messy sometimes, our kids are sassy, our family nights are chaotic, we can’t ever find shoes or socks in the morning. Five minutes before bedtime we proclaim that our family is too big, and five minutes after the last child (leah) has succumbed to sleep, we thank God for the great kids we have. Life is hard and full of JOY. We feel so grateful for the great family and friends we are blessed with. Thanks for touching our lives and for being a part of our journey.

May your holidays be merry and your year full of beautiful moments.
With Love,
Todd and Jenifer

We sure love keeping in touch with you, our bloggy friends.
I love that blogs help keep far away friends and family close... AND, helps me meet new friends on the same journey as we are.
So, thanks for reading...
thanks for the sweet and funny comments...
thanks for forgiving my whining posts and 500 posts about dirty laundry.
Come on over sometime and we'll just hang out while our kids kiss in the closet.
(I don't THINK my kids really do this, but when i was younger i did... didn't you?)
Hope you're having a GREAT week before Christmas!!


  1. We didn't have closets until I was about 14. You guys must be rich…

    Thanks for the updates on everyone's lives. You know, I think it would be awesome if Drew were in my class this year…I could always use another "Joey."

  2. What a big, beautiful family you have! Don't know how in the world you can stay sane with all that y'all have goin' on. Anyway, I came across your post and know great Realtors in both Lubbock, TX and Oregon who could help you with your upcoming move! Let me know if you'd like to get connected. Either way, best of luck!
    Rebecca Diamond, Keller Williams, Bryn Mawr, Pa


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