January 17, 2011

fire and sunset.

yesterday, my 10 year old found beauty.
i LOVE seeing life through the eyes of my children.
ps. today i had a dentist appointment at 7:15am.
i left with the morning in full swing... most kids dressed and ready to go.
i got home around 9am and they were all watching cartoons.
WHAT?!  school!! 
the professor was certain it was a holiday.
they were tardy.
Happy Martin Luther King Day!!


  1. Oops--sorry Honey! I made sure that the office staff knew I was the clueless dad. :-)

  2. What a TODD! That's hilarious. It's funny because we, in Idaho, of all places, don't have school today because of the holiday. We're off to Tangled!!

  3. Hilarious! We obviously don't have school here in AL. We didn't even use it as a make up day for the three days of winter weather school closings we had. Now we'll probably have some Saturday school...

    7:15 is an early appointment!

  4. Same thing happened at our house. My hubby read the lunch schedule and it said Martin Luther King Day no lunch mentioned. He was positive that they did not have school. After I talked to a friend and found out that her kids went to school that day. My kids made it to school a couple hours late. Better late than never, right?


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