January 18, 2011

organization inspiration.

i love ideas.
and so, when i find something i love i copy it into my file of house ideas.
i have different folders in my house idea file... one of them is organization ideas.
one thing i haven't been good at-- saving the PLACE where i got the picture from.
so today, i thought i'd share with you my inspiration ideas...
but please forgive the lack of sources.
i PROMISE to do better with this in the future.
First-- i LOVE this craft room...  from august fields
(actually, i love this whole house.)

the common elements...
built in shelves or cabinets.
splashes of color.
no crap.
great containers.

yes, if i had a large house, and more money... i'm sure i could achieve beauty in my organization.
but i have a dream...
a dream where i am surrounded with beauty and order in the home in which i live.
within the budget i have been given.
amidst children and chaos.
my home is a house of order.
i just think i can have a house with a little more order and a little more beauty.
starting today.
(for sure, if i surround myself with dreams- i should be able to plan beautiful spaces into our new Oregon house... i can't wait.)
wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I'm attracted to the white roomed photos too, I'm wondering if they just take really good pictures.

    I've been saving images on my computer as well, then I just found houzz.com, and I can save them on there, and know the source, and sometimes find out the paint colors and sources in the room.

    Here's to dreaming of the potential in our new (old) homes!


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