April 28, 2011


seriously, i LOVE produce.
fresh green beans at the grocery store make me smile and feel spring-y
are you laughing at me?
cooking a simple dinner with bright colors makes me happy... 
you too?


  1. Looks Amazing!
    How did you cook those green beans? And how do you cook asparagus? I need tips.

  2. corrie- beans and asparagus, same way. if you have a metal steamer use it. if not, just use a pot or a big wok. put about an inch of water in the bottom, then the beans or asparagus, then cover with the lid. cook on high for about 7 minutes (check to see that they are cooked but still crunchy). Then, dump out the water and veggies into a strainer.
    Put the pot back on the burner and add 1/4 stick of butter and a scoop of fresh garlic... wait for the butter to melt and sizzle the garlic (you can use garlic salt but fresh is better), then add the beans/asparagus back into the pan. You kinda fry them in the butter and then pour immediately into the bowl to serve or keep them on warm till dinner. Salt the top.
    Sometimes with the butter and garlic I add slivered almonds or craisins or pecans.

    mmmm. good luck!

  3. Thanks! I'll give it a try. Again.


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