April 29, 2011

moby wrap reject.

i've tried my moby about 10 times since eve was born.
4 times, i tried it while watching "how to wear a moby" on you tube.
usually my baby is screaming for the 10 minutes that i'm trying to wrap the long fabric around by body, over my shoulder, under the strap on my tummy, around my waist and back to the front.
by the time i'm half-way tangled in fabric, and ready to stick her in it-- she's not too excited.
and i'm hot.
i've put her into the wrap about 8 times and usually she just screams, or tries to nurse because she is close to my chest... 
ONCE for a few minutes she fell asleep all scrunched up. 
and then, i had to figure out how to unwrap her and lay her in her bassinet, so she could get a good nap while i showered.

Today, i tried again.
10 minutes of tangled mess while my baby screamed.
5 minutes of her screaming inside the Moby.
and i'm officially NOT a fan of this wrap.

i'm sad, really. 
i had great hopes for days of hands-free moby wearing.
maybe it's me... maybe it's my baby... maybe it's just too early... 
but, we have not done well with the wrap idea thus far.

To all of you who LOVE your wrap, I am so happy for you...
you are much more PATIENT, and COORDINATED than i am.

I am a Moby Wrap Reject.

I did get a SLING, for free from some Internet company.  It is just one piece of fabric that i put arm and head through and slide my swaddled baby in.  The whole process takes less than 30 seconds and has saved me MANY times.  Slings I like... Moby wraps-- just aren't happening.


  1. I had a moby... no good. Sleepy wrap is my favorite. It is the same idea as a moby -- but it has stretchy material so it feels alot better and fits better. I have a bjorn carrier too --- but sleepy wrap I can wear all day out and about and never get tired. I wore my son everywhere because we were in Spain when he was born he would fall asleep instantly when I put him in. But my 4th baby -- would not be worn in it until she was strong enought to face outward. Just a preferance of a baby I think. That's my 2 cents though. If you feel like trying a wrap again -- try a sleepy wrap.
    Good luck!

  2. You might also like a ring sling. There are tutorials online of how to make them, but they can be found fairly cheap. (Look on your local Craigslist.) Not nearly as much fabric to deal with, but they can be adjusted, so I like them a little better than the pouch-sling.

    And just a little word of caution with the pouch sling....always make sure Eve's little airway isn't constricted (chin pushed down to chest). Some babies have a hard time getting enough oxygen if they aren't positioned correctly. Most of the time moms can tell pretty easily if they're in a good position or not, so I'm sure you're fine. But there have been some tragedies, so it's just something I always mention with those. They are really handy, though, for quick in-and-outs. :)


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