May 23, 2011

It's pool time!

 Today was opening day at the pool, and of course the kids were clamoring for a Family Home Evening there instead of indoors.  It's probably the planner in me, but at impromptu times like this I'm hesitant to throw everything to the wind and just go with the moment.  The kids prevailed this time, and I'm glad they did.  We had a great time!  Now the kids are in the tub and soon they'll be in dreamland...then I can tackle folding the laundry while I watch my favorite Netflix movie.  I love you Jen!

--the professor

1 comment:

  1. Professor-
    Way to go--love that you were not only "in the moment"... but that you captured it in pics, too! :-)

    P.S. So what IS your fave netflix movie?
    P.P.S. Like the facial hair... hopefully it will be "soft" enough when Jen comes home that you can keep it, if you want :-)


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