May 22, 2011

Shhh--don't tell!

Well, since Jen's been gone for a few days I thought I'd try something I've never done before.  I'm growing a beard.  You see, Jen doesn't like beards, or rather, she doesn't like kissing them.  That's been the kiss of death for past beard attempts.  And after four days, I'm still on the fence.  Most of the kids like it, but it's funny that the little girls like to touch it with their hands, but they don't like kisses either.  Any beard lovers out there that could mediate on my behalf??


  1. Ha! I do like me a good beard. My hubby can't grow one for ecclesiastical and professional reasons--super lame. Don't tell Jen, but I think you should keep it growing.

  2. hey Todd, remember me from Ricks Press? Anyway, I let my husband grow a beard 1 1/2 years ago and he still has it. He keeps it nicely trimmed and I love it. He has such a baby face that he needs the beard to look like a man rather than a boy.

  3. Yeah! I've tried to grow a beard too, but my husband didn't like kissing me either. It's wierd. It's just hair, right?

  4. Brent has a goatee. He's had it for years now. I love him with it. Once the hair gets long enough that it's not "pokey," it's really not bad at all to kiss. And every once in a while when he shaves it, he gets many comments about his "baby face" and how young he looks without it. I like him to keep it so that I still look younger than him. ;)

  5. no way! i love the freshly shaven early morning kisses best...
    just sayin.


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