June 06, 2011


i stink at thank you cards.
i worry about them ALL the time.
i wish i was better.
i'm afraid that i'll miss someone and offend.
i sometimes send the same person two.
i often write notes and find them unmailed a year later.
i feel VERY grateful for every kind thing someone does for me...
i spend time shopping for cards, writing lists of the thank you cards i need to write, and writing long notes that hopefully express my true gratitude.
and then, i put them in a pile until i have time to find an address...
or, i spend an afternoon finding addresses and can't find any stamps...
and then, i find the pile a month later, unmailed.
i stink at thank you cards.
and, i'm going to get better at this before i die.
and, i'm going to teach my kids to be better at this than i am... they stink at thank you cards too.

and another thing.
i made strawberry "jam" on Saturday.
but, i doubled the batch and forgot to add two sure-jell packets.
so now I have strawberry syrup.
which was still good on our waffles sunday night-- but NOT what i had intended.
here's to a week of improvement!!

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