June 04, 2011

two months.

 Today eve is two months old.
Two months... that sounds like a long time.
I can still remember life without her-- and, i'm still amazed that somehow life with a baby is becoming "normal". 
3 weeks ago I stopped dairy-- at the recommendation of my pediatrician.
Today, eve is a different baby.
She is familiar, the baby that I know how to mother.
Today, eve is nothing but a joy.
She's getting so chunky and is ever so smiley.
She sees angels and she smells like heaven.
I love her baby coos-- so much effort for such a sweet, tiny sound.
She sleeps for long naps and will even sit happily in her swing or car seat for small periods of time.
She is very easy to feed, burp and rock to sleep.

She wakes up around 1am and snuggles into bed with me.
All night she cuddles and eats and sleeps on my chest.
I don't mind at ALL. Because she isn't SAD!
No more hours of sadness and fussiness.
I know what she needs and I can give it to her.
Oh, what joy. 

She is still expressive and feisty and funny.
She is strong.
When she wakes up in her bassinet she pushes on her little feet until she scoots her head to the end.
When you're holding her, she is always pulling her head up and pushing on her feet.
She is a mover!
She loves activity.  She loves being outside.  She gets all excited when she feels the wind.
She loves bath time.
She is SO smart and aware.
She doesn't like loud noises.
She fights to stay awake.
She knows who is holding her, and who she wants to hold her.

Last night, the kids were all asleep and it was just Todd, me and the baby.
She was gooing and smiling and had both of us magically in her spell.
Yes, this baby has been hard, but she is so perfect.  So darling.  So beautiful and fresh from Heaven.
What a gift she has been in our family!!
Todd said, "How can we ever say we don't want another baby?  It's going to be so hard to be finished.  Just look at her."
I know!  I know...

How I love this little stink.
How grateful I am for her, for all my sweet babies.   
How blessed I am to be their mother.

Life is good.
Babies are delicious.

1 comment:

  1. oh, i'm so glad you got her figured out! it must be such a relief!


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