July 08, 2011

from the prairies, to the mountains, to the oceans white with foam...

as i sat down tonight to check my blog, i felt at home.
it is so sad leaving home.
it is hard to leave friends- to begin building "family" again.
but, here at this blog, i felt that home feeling.  
and that maybe, a part of it can come with me.
thanks for your sweet comments, and for being my consistency amidst my change.

we just arrived in rexburg, idaho at todd's parent's home.
it is lovely here.
there is a cool breeze that blows through their kitchen in the evening. 
lush, green grass.
and snow-capped mountains in the distance.

we still haven't sold our home.
but we have renters who want to sign papers this Monday. (?!?)
AND we've had 6 showings this week (3 since we left).
i have hope.

our car ride was the best it possibly could have been.
all the kids were GREAT.
my car stayed clean.
we are safe.
i am so grateful for my mother-in-law who travelled with me.

our stuff is in transit from tx to or.
we needed an extra trailer, because we had too much stuff...
so moneywise we're still tight, but such is our life right now.

i'm overwhelmed if i let myself think about my life.
i'm tired.
i'm so grateful.
i'm nervous about oregon, but looking forward to the beauty and new possibilities.

how i will miss texas.
so many friends did so much for our sweet family as we were leaving.
our car was packed with love from MANY thoughtful friends.
thank you!  we miss you already.
people are so good.

as we travelled I was overwhelmed by the beauty of this earth.
from the desserts of texas to the mountains of wyoming.
this land is beautiful.

moving on is difficult.
very difficult.
but life is so good.
people are so good, everywhere.
this land is full of beauty.
today, my heart is Texan.
someday, Oregon will take root.

Oh, heaven help me make this transition.


  1. We miss you guys already and as Matt said, there will be a big hole in the ward with you leaving. I had a meeting early on Thursday and stopped by your house afterwards and you were already gone. Just a closed-up house and a trailer were there and it made me sad that I didn't get to say goodbye but I stink at goodbyes anyway. We will miss you and I know that someday Oregon will be home, too. I felt the same way when we left Boise not even 5 years ago.

  2. We will miss you, but I am grateful that your drive went well. You're amazing. Just remember how amazing.

  3. I felt so honored to be with your family for those last few moments. I am excited for your new adventure.

  4. It's hard to believe you guys are really gone. :( We just went on vacation and when we came back....you weren't here anymore. :( We are all so sad. Blessings to you and your family in Oregon. They are getting an awesome family, and we will miss you so much!

  5. rexburg? one of my closest friend's parents live there. That's a little crazy.

  6. Oh, you will love love love Oregon!!! I'm excited for you guys... that is one of the places I could see myself loving life in, forever. Good luck to your family in the move... saying goodbye is hard. We are still missing you here! But excited for your new adventures. Love you all Moss family!


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