July 06, 2011


yesterday we are packed up EVERYTHING.
today we are loading the truck.
tomorrow we are driving...

please pray for us.
(or perhaps i should say, pray for our children.)
Thank GOODNESS for all the sweet service we have received.
Thank you for watching my kids, feeding us, and helping us pack and clean.
We couldn't have done it without you.

Anybody want to buy a house?


  1. Wishing you the best loading and driving and moving you've had.
    Can't wait to hear how much you LOVE your new home town. Even though I know you'll be missing your Texas favorite friends.
    It's good to do hard things, right?
    There is no progress in passing from ease to ease.

    You got this.

  2. I'm glad we've had the opportunity to get to know you and your family over these last few months. Good luck with the drive and be safe. Let's make sure and keep in touch!

  3. Hey Jen, Good Luck with your move tomorrow. I know it will go great!!! I have a question for you. I tried ordering some of those Shelley Wille books and it has been a month and I have never gotten my books. I use the email on the website and it says the email does not exist, I called the number and it was a credit union. Do you maybe have any contact info. that I do not have. I know you are trying to move but if you could help me out soon that would be great.

  4. Praying for you as I type this...

    Safe and happy travels to your new home, Moss Family! Just "getting to know you" through your blog (which I read DAILY), if anyone can pull this monumentous challenge off, it is you Jen! Hug your babies for me (ok, hug Todd as well!), and welcome to the beautiful Pacific Northwest! ♥

    BTW... I really LOVE your bangs! :)


  5. Lots of love and luck for your move! and we will be in oregon in August!! Maybe we'll bump into you?? We could arrange it... Love you guys!

    Happy trails. :)

  6. I can't believe you'd move just because of a bug...

    Hope everything goes well and you love your new 'hood.'

  7. thank you for your sweet thoughts!
    Our trip went AMAZINGLY well... although I'm a bit sad to be leaving.
    carrie-- i'm not sure what books you are talking about. I ordered some books from barebooks... is that it?
    Marie-- you are so sweet!! thank you for your prayers and your kind words!
    Coxes- for sure we'll keep in touch.
    Gilberts-- COME SEE US FOR SURE!!!
    teachinfourth- hah! you always make me laugh.

  8. Jen, you talked about the books in one of your blog posts ShelleyWille.com. Never a Dull Moment, and Great Kids are Homemade. Did you not get those from her website? Glad you made it to Rexburg safely.

  9. oh yeah... that was a long time ago. actually, taniel bought that book for me from seagul bookstore (i think). I'll ask her about it. Hope your mix-up gets cleared up quickly!!!


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