September 26, 2011

made me smile.

1. this morning drew could only find one cleat for his after school football practice.  the professor was a bit stressed out.  drew said, "dad, it's ok.  mom will find it before she picks me up."  the professor, teaching an important lesson, "drew, you can't leave everything for mom to find."  the kids in the car are all anxious to get to school...  i come out of the bathroom into the heat of the professor explaining, "DREW CAN'T FIND HIS CLEAT... I FOUND ONE IN HIS SHOE BASKET, BUT I CAN'T FIND THE OTHER ONE."  i smile and tell him, while i'm looking in the shoe closet, "Just take the kids to school and I'll find it and bring it up when I meet drew after school."  He huffs and explains to me, "Drew needs to find his own things."  I explain to him, "I'd rather have him go to school feeling peaceful than get him all stressed out over a silly cleat."  Then I hand him the cleat that was just behind drew's shoe box... not far from exactly where it should have been.  As they drove out the driveway i just smiled... children need two parents.  And this is exactly why!! 
2.  we had a busy day yesterday.  i was in charge of a 2 hour practice for the children's program at church, then i had a presidency meeting, then my husband was gone for 2 hours while i prepared for company to come over for dinner, then we had a family with 6 older boys over-- that was 17 people total for dinner.  We played the thimble game and Mafia/Werewolves.  Then, I was EXHAUSTED.  I took care of the baby, and the professor put ALL the kids to bed and did ALL the dishes with the boys.   He sent me to bed while he finished up.  Nice huh?!!!
3.  i'm studying "Preach My Gospel" for my personal scripture time and i LOVE it.  LOVE. LOVE. LOVE it.  I've started a composition notebook of THINGS TO TEACH MY KIDS.  Thinking about ways I teach principles gives PURPOSE to my scripture study.  I write a different lesson on top of each page and when i read a good scripture or hear a good quote or get a great idea, i jot it down.  I'm surprised at how many things i've already used in teaching my kids.  i'm a full-time teacher by the way.   actually, preacher... that's what i would say my job is.  Mother/Preacher.  :)
4.  anna took this picture of me...  my kids think it's so funny to make my face funny.  Ellie said, "Mom, you should put that picture on your blog and then write... I'm getting old!"  Nice...
I'm getting old...
5.  we were out at the soccer fields the other day (don't you know we live on the soccer fields)?  I told the girls that I would race them to the car.  And, i won.  Anna said, "mom, i didn't even know you knew how to run?"  hah!  nice...

6.Want to do one great thing today?  Just one thing that WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE??  watch this... It's a talk from an apostle of God about 5 things that we shouldn't forget.  it's so good. Here's a snipet...


7.  Want to do one more great thing?  Watch this... my sister showed it to me.  It's darling.  And, we all need a little dark side!

ps.  i think i have pink eye?! and... need some make-up.
Have a GREAT Monday!!


  1. This made me smile. You are a GREAT mom!

  2. That VW commercial is our family's FAVORITE THING! We LOVE it. Oh, and the funny faces were entertaining! Glad to hear you beat your kids in a's so fun to impress your own children. Love it.

  3. If you really think you have pink eye, use some breast milk in it. Totally not kidding. It works great for pink eye!

  4. i smiled again as i tried to picture me squirting breast milk into my eye... hah!


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