September 23, 2011

real-life lunch ideas...

i'm a little embarrassed posting these.
i know they are nothing special.
honestly, i have A LOT of kids and my mornings are hectic.
we only have one set of Tupperware per kid, so they are washed at night and i have to make lunch quickly in the morning...
in addition to breakfast, and getting dressed, and scripture time, and finding a lost shoe, etc, etc...
so, lunches are quick!
i try to be healthy.
i try not to use plastic bags or individually wrapped things. (reduce, reuse, recycle!)
and, i try to be fun.
my favorite are the tiny little Tupperware (try the dollar store)...
they are perfect for dip, a kiwi, caramel, peanut butter, etc.
i love putting in a hard-boiled egg with a face.
we took extra little salts on our last trip to the Farm (you know, Old McDonald's).
it makes me smile every time i put an egg with a little salt packet... who even uses those salt packets?
seriously?  do they add salt to their fries??  ugh!
i ALWAYS write a note.
(when i go to the kids' school, their friends always say, "I love the notes you send.")
i love to put fun, random things in.
i love to buy cute little erasers and stick them in (sorry, no pictures?!)
I get really fun, japanesse erasers at expensive toy shops.  i try to find packs-- they usually cost me about 50 cents each for really fun ones, like babies or cars or frogs.
You can also find cute erasers at the grocery store or cvs.  There you can buy a whole pack cheap, so they only cost about 10 cents each.
I don't put an eraser every day... but i do something fun every day.
(Ellie tells me her friends say she is SO LUCKY because her mom always gives her fun things at lunch.)

i love using cookie cutters to cut out shapes of things.
i LOVE these little toothpick swords-- I use them almost every day instead of utensils.
the pictures of lunches do not include everything that they eat that day.
i often throw in trail mix, pretzels, homemade cookies that are frozen, etc.
i love the bulk food bins because i can buy just what i want.
sometime i'll type a list of ideas... but my time is up today!
what are your favorite lunch ideas?


  1. Our kiddos are still very little but I LOVE that you posted this! I'll keep it in mind for the days to come!

  2. What cute ideas! Your kids ARE very lucky. You can tell you put effort and love into each lunch. Your kids can tell (and so can their friends!)
    Do your kids tell you what they want - or do you just decide?
    Do you make a list and plan for the items in your "themed" lunches - or do you just work with what you have on hand?
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. i sometimes ask if they want something as i'm packing the lunch, but for the most part they just leave it if they don't want it. And, they always have snacks leftover to eat while they're waiting for me to pick them up.

    i don't really have themes, i do shop with a list of lunch things... the themes were just names i wrote when i was labeling the pictures.

  4. Jen, these ARE something special. My kids would love to have lunches like this. I want to run out and buy some smaller Tupperware-ish stuff so that I can do it, too. I too often get stuck in the sandwich, fruit, etc. rut and the girls would love this.

  5. Muffin Tin Mom has some cute ideas too. And a blog on bento boxes but I cant find it at the moment...

  6. So, is the tupperware their lunchbox? Or do you put the tupperware into a lunchbox?


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