October 31, 2011


ok folks, these shots are hot off the press...
halloween is such a fun BALANCE.
not too much, but enough to have fun and make memories.
this year we got it!
we've had a full month... i didn't even turn my sewing machine on for these costumes...
this is a live shot of my superMESSY craftroom!
i had gathered some things, we had friends over last night, and when they left my older kids and i did some tracing, some cutting and some ironing.
i think our costumes turned out PERFECTLY simple and fun.
{i still need to get the whole family shot...}
the boys weren't supposed to dress-up for middle school.
they both wore costumey shirts and jakob tied his supermoss cape on. 
(I told him to just wear it and take it off if anyone says anything to him.)
after we got the bigger kids off to school i hurried to iron-on the little girls capes and we flew out the door to the elementary school parade...
oh happy day!

superMOM and her posse'

superBABY most of the parade...

superBABY when dad almost dropped her...


superEllie flying back to her class...

superFAMILY... superDAY...
i hope y'all have a VERY happy halloween!!
isn't life so fun!?!
i LOVE kids!!


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