November 01, 2011

Halloween 2011- homemade superheros.

 it's a bird, it's a plane... No, it's SUPERMOSS!!
lily had her "superhero face" all night... see the puffed cheeks?  she makes me laugh!

 jakob was a darling clark kent...  (oops, no individual pictures of SUPERDREW)

 sweet ellie and anna...

 this child LOVES a party... she's a perfect #7!  superbaby!! (except at night... she likes to fight the bad guys all night long.)  love her!

 Here are some of our cute friends...

Hope you had a SUPER halloween!!
i'm going to go clean up candy wrappers...


  1. Jakob as Clark Kent--I LOVE it. He looks awesome in those pics. The whole superMOSS theme was a totally fun idea (so was the bee keeper and honey. Too cute.)

  2. Cute idea! I love it - the SuperMosses looked great! :)

  3. Ha - love Lily's superhero face! :) And, cute idea for the swimsuit! :)


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