January 05, 2012

oregon clam chowder.

 have you ever gone digging for clams?


 the master chef...
digging... cleaning... cooking... eating...
just another fun afternoon on the oregon shore.


  1. Those pictures are great! Capturing the moment. Digging for clams is something we LOVE to do at the island! Did you see them spit out of the mud? Isn't that the coolest thing. I bet your kids had such a fun time. It's heaven for my boys because of all the mud and digging and filth:). p.s. I loved Jakob's boots:). Hope those little girls are feeling better. XOXO.

  2. Your pictures are beautiful. I'm thinking more and more we may need to move to Oregon. :)

  3. I love that last sunset picture. My parents live in NW Washington (Aberdeen) and they go dig for clams to make chowder, too. "That's yum" as Aimee is saying these days.

  4. Thanks a lot.... now I'm starving :)
    Love you!

  5. okay-that's it...we will transfer to Oregon instead...your pictures are killing me!

  6. i KNOW! it's pretty here, isn't it. it does rain A LOT and it get's dark by 5pm... but it's lovely.
    if you can't move here-- COME VISIT!
    and, in the attitude of full disclosure, i thought the chowder was a bit nasty. those clams were MONSTERS.
    i like clams... little, clean ones.
    that you order at a resturaunt.
    these babies were a bit much for me.
    the second night we made some chowder at home and we cut the clams up VERY small-- it was much better.


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