January 04, 2012


my two youngest have fevers.
lily says to me, "Mom, can i touch you?"
"Mom, can you put your foot down so I can sit on this side?"
"Mom, can you lay by me for a minute?"
"Mom, can you carry me?"
When i sit near her Lily squeezes my hand and says, "I love you best mom, because you're sitting right near me."
oh, sweet child of mine.

Last night she woke up from bed and came upstairs crying and feverish...
she said, "Mom, I feel like I bonked my head."
isn't that darling?
my sweet babies.

Little eve is like a baby monkey.
she just hangs on me, kissing me over and over with her wide open mouth.
her little fingers are pinchy... she likes to pinch my neck and my lips and my arms and my cheeks as she's falling asleep.

i made a deal with leah, if she doesn't get out of bed at night she doesn't have to take a nap the next day.
yesterday she didn't have to take a nap.
(oh how i missed it)
all morning long she kept re-checking with whispered sleuth "No nap today, right?"
then she would say out loud to Lily, "It's almost time for our nap Lil."
then she would whisper, "I'm going to get up after she falls asleep, right mom?"
when we were reading stories, i was holding eve and nursing her.
my not so cute tummy was sticking out the bottom of my shirt.
leah looked at my stomach and said in a disgusted voice, "Mom, your tummy..."
i raised my eyebrows.
she finished, "... is very beautiful.  You have a very beautiful tummy mom!!"
she makes me smile.

my christmas tree is still staring at me with a smile of victory on his face.
he has survived much longer than i would have liked.
my babies need me near them.
and i LOVE being close enough to touch.

go Mitt!!  (8 votes??!!)
gotta run, i have a sweet, constant, "can i go on your lap, mom can i go on your lap, mom, i said i want to go on your lap, mom, you're not letting me go on your lap."
the couch is calling...


  1. Leah cracks me up! Hope they feel better soon. Give everyone big love from me. Love you :)

  2. Enjoy snuggling those girlies.

    P.S. Our Christmas tree is still up, too. I found out several years ago (before we lived in TX) that there is a celebration called Epiphany, or the Feast of the Three Kings, that happens on January 6th... the 12th day of Christmas! We don't necessarily "do" anything, but I totally "celebrate" it every year by not taking down our holiday decor until then! :-) So I think you're celebrating Epiphany this year, too... ?

  3. :) oh darn it tiff... another excuse not to clean my house. the feast of the kings sounds so fun-- we'll have to do something (maybe).


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