May 18, 2013

Day 16- 31 Weeks!!

It feels good to be 31 weeks pregnant!!
(32 weeks is a big milestone for NICU babies.)
20 days till my surgery/delivery.

My life is good here.
I'm not bored.
I have so many fun visitors. Today was a day full of visitors-- one friend even brought my youngest girls to visit! So fun!
Friends really break up my day.
The funny thing is-- I'll be alone for hours and then a friend will visit and 10 people will call at the same time! It makes me laugh.

The food was getting so old- but a friend brought me 3 mini-loaves of banana bread and a nice CNA gave me a new menu of extra stuff I can order.
I got this cool plate of Indian food for dinner.

I'm feeling good, not bleeding, and not contracting much.
I could not be less active- aside from the fact that I get dressed each day.

When I feel sad or lonely I just think how lucky I am to have a family I want to be with.
When I feel sorry for myself I just think it could be so much worse!!

Today it hit me that I only have 20 more days of bed rest!!
I have a goal to get my digital pictures into photo books... Gotta get working on that.

Tomorrow I'm starting with 2006 and I am going to work on that book till it's done!!

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